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The Nest / Re: Dark Resurrection
« Last post by Queen of Secrets on January 14, 2019, 03:25:26 PM »
World of Secrets

Sub territories:
World of Secrets -- Kingdom of Secrets


While chaos ensues all over legend due to the absence of Duece, Snickers, the Queen of Secrets, and Raven, the King of Secrets are fighting to maintain everything remaining the same. New arrivals within the land are of course going to be watched like hawks, as Hell has certainly broken lose, but overall, everything to run smoothly, after all, with the Nightcurse Cabin crew, Secrets really has all the chaos it truly needs.
The Nest / Re: Dark Resurrection
« Last post by Marioara Mara Ruxandra on January 14, 2019, 03:24:35 PM »
Cycle of Life

Sub territories:
Mara's Sanctuary


Things in Cycle of Life couldn't be more alive, with Duece now placed in Limbo, hidden away from all of his code, companions, the rogues are free to keep on the balance of life, that Mara serves so well.
The Nest / Re: Dark Resurrection
« Last post by Nicholia on January 14, 2019, 03:22:09 PM »
Kingdom Of Darkness

Sub territories:
Nicholia's Dark Realm -- Valley of the Wyvern -- Kingdom Kat

The Nest / Re: Dark Resurrection
« Last post by Duece on January 14, 2019, 03:17:58 PM »
Land of my Father

Sub territories:
Peaceful Valley -- Valey of the Sprite -- The Abyss -- The Outlands -- Wandering Hearts


The Nest / Dark Resurrection
« Last post by Marioara Mara Ruxandra on January 13, 2019, 04:44:43 PM »
Plot Title: Dark Resurrection

Land(s) affected by plot: ALL

Character(s) affected by plot: ALL

Plot Summary:

For far too long the world has been silent. With nothing to battle, with no fearful uprisings, those of Legend found it comforting to lower their guard. To relax and embrace the calm and tranquility that now was within their worlds. However, it is at our weakest times that darkness truly attacks, that evil will truly find a way of destroying the world as it is known to each and every one of us, and this is when it all truly happened.

Shriekers are nasty insect-like humanoids. They are tall, thin, looking near as flesh and bone but they are blacker than the night sky with glowing red eyes. Many times have these nasty beings been faced before, but never like this. They ventured from the depths of Kalico's forest, seeking one thing, and one thing only. The key to chaos. This key came in the form of a man named Christopher Galliano, known by his loved ones most easily as Duece, by his followers and enemies as The Slayer.

With a lowered guard he was easily captured, taken to the depths of a world who no one could enter without being welcomed. This place was the home of Chaos in it's deadliest form. She referred to her land as Cycle of Life, her name, Marioara Mara Ruxandra. She did of course have many other names, however, as she was the queen of chaos, and with the tranquility, the world brought about, she, her land it was fading and she had to bring it back.

Waking the next day, the lands of legend fell into chaos, into ruin without the great slayer enemies of the lands began to rise up, and for many, the world was believed to be lost. Through all of this torment and tragedy, however, there was one, one who stood above the rest, that believed that the great Slayer still lived, that he was indeed able to be brought back to his home, to his family, and this, was his faithful and loyal Magi..... Lady Fang.

It is she, with the help of a new ally (in the works) that she will recover the guardian of legend..... Or will she?

The Nest / A Bond with Mortals
« Last post by Duece on January 23, 2015, 08:56:51 PM »
Plot Title: A Bond with Mortals

Land(s) affected by plot: Wandering Hearts

Character(s) affected by plot: Creatures who live in Wandering Hearts

* Vito de Cotico

Plot Summery:

The world still belongs to the mortal, though there are a great deal of immortals around, mortals still have the power. Vampires, werewolves, dragons... They're to many creatures of mystery, creatures of myth... Creatures who should be feared, and killed for they are dangerous. The main lands are home primarily to immortals, protected by their own methods, but Wandering Hearts still belongs to the mortal realm. To humans who fear, and hate what they can not understand. While some work with them, not all mortals do. Even a neutral mortal could kill an immortal as a monster. Kill before being killed type situation... For this reason, immortals mind find a bond outside of the lands they are protect in.... A person or persons that they can connect with, creatures who will defend them and watch over them in times they have no control. Creatures that will grant them communication with the mortal realm, and keep them out of harms way. These mortals put themselves at risk more so than the immortals they work with, but they are of vital importance to the survival of those they serve.
Paused Stories / Festival of Secrets (site wide event)
« Last post by Queen of Secrets on December 20, 2014, 09:51:33 PM »
Plot Title: Festival of Secrets

Land(s) affected by plot: ALL

Character(s) affected by plot:

Plot Summery: All sorts of things have happened since the royal family was brought back to Secrets, now to help smooth things over, Snickerz would like to throw an event that would make introductions between people easier. Helping smooth things over so that everyone can get along. Without any ideas however she turned to some people she believed she could trust for support. Of course she couldn't risk sending them entirely on their own, after all, it was a new situation for them, and this wasn't a party being thrown by a woman they all used to know, this was a party being thrown for... Well for what the hosts and hostesses of the party would consider rather stuffy individuals.

Paused Stories / Family Kankunkos
« Last post by Kassidy Kiss on December 09, 2014, 11:23:30 AM »
Plot Title: Family Kankunkos

Land(s) affected by plot:
* Secrets
* Wandering Hearts

Character(s) affected by plot:
* Kassandra Kankunkos
* ^ Her parents (NPCed unless someone wishes to play them, profiles will be made up closer to time that we're ready to do this plot)
* Royal family of Secrets
* Those who wish to participate

Plot Summery: Kassidy left home when she was but a child, her parents had turned to the dark side of magic, or so that is what she was lead to believe. However, this was not the case. Her parents were in fact kidnapped, taken for their powerful magic by a rather nasty set of rogues and now it's time to get them back, and get the truth about KK's parents out in the open once and for all.
The Nest / Re: The Myth of Magi - Flashback -
« Last post by Madam Meow on November 20, 2014, 10:02:46 PM »
Not sure how much I'll post into it, but I would be there so, count, Kit in. profile for it
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